
2006年9月22日 的存档

心是主人身是客:heart is master,body is guest
一个人一个部落:one be a group
蓝的够戗:enough blue
时有时无:sometimes have sometimes no
半窗晴翠:half window sunny green
米米七月:rice rice july
曲终人不见:music over people no see(when music is over no one can be seen^_^)
顶住朔风:withstand winter wind(哇,押头韵)
城里好好:downtown good good(好名字)
急了也能跑:also can run when be worried
哥舒夜带刀:bother Shu took a knife at night
走在路上:walking on the way
大老黄:big old yellow
卧梅闻花:lying club smelling flower(嚎有湿意)
鼻涕耷不流:snot overhanging but not [...]

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Sep 22nd, 2006 | Filed under 未分类